Ephesians 2:8
For you are saved by Grace through Faith,
and this is not from yourselves;
it is GOD'S Gift
~ Glory be to God always ~
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Isabella Wolfl - Founder of Blessed By Faith
Blessings to you Beloved,
I am a Daughter of the most High, a Sister in Christ and a Mother. I will share with you my Story, but I will keep it short.
I was a sinner walking in the Darkness of this World, believing I am doing good, not knowing my sinful actions. One Day in May 2021
Jesus called my name, I heard His Truth, I made my decision and I answered His call.
By hearing His Truth I first believed. By reading His Word He sanctified my Heart, I got baptized, He washed me white as snow from the stains of my Sins.
He restored me, my Soul within, He filled the void and the emptiness that nothing in this world could fill, he restored my self-image, every area of my life which the Darkness tried to steal from, tried to kill my love for others and to destroy all my hopes and dreams.
He gave me a melody, a new song within my Heart,
which I sing now everyday with Joy. God helped me to step into the Purpose that He created me for, to be a light to others that they as well will find Him. Now I can testify everyday of His Love and Goodness for I see and taste it and so could you if you choose Him, Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, King of Kings. The only Way and they only Name given under Heaven on Earth by which we must be saved.
I pray and hope that the reading of GOD'S Word with my designs by unbelievers will plant a seed within their Heart, in good soil, which will grow and bear fruit in its time.
And the reading of GOD'S Word with my designs by believers will encourage, remind and strengthen their Faith and Walk with our Lord JESUS CHRIST,
OUR GOD in the highest Heaven,
to whom all the Glory belongs, forever, may it glorify Him in Jesus name, amen.